scone Scone is a Framework to develop and evaluate new web enhancements, especially new web navigation and orientiation tools.
scone.accesstracking Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser.
scone.accesstracking.applet The Access Tracking apllet is used to send the JavaScript-events from the browser via the RAS-Connection to Scone.
scone.accesstracking2 Scone is able to trace the actions of a user when using a Web browser.
scone.examples.magnifier The Magnifyer Plugin enlarges all headings and large text elements in a Web page.
scone.examples.observertest The Observertest shows how the Accesstracking works and how to react on user actions.
scone.examples.rueckspiegel The Rückspiegel shows incoming links as thumbnails and demonstrates how to program the robot of scone.
scone.examples.statusbar The statusbar plugin demonstrates how to write a simple Scone plugin.
scone.netobjects This package provides objects which represent real objects from the internet and the WWW.
scone.proxy This package contains the classes related to the proxy.
scone.ras This package contains the classes related to the Scone RAS-Server.
scone.robot This package provides a configurable high-performance web-robot.
scone.thumbnailgenerator Generates a thumbnail-image of a document under a specified URL.
scone.usertesttool Scone's usertesttool: TEA (Test Environment for Automation) "TEA" -- Scone's UserTestTool -- was developed to support usability experts while performing user tests.
scone.util Contains utility classes.
scone.util.logreader The logreader can be used to read Apache logfiles into the Scone database.
scone.util.tokenstream This package provides means for convenient tokenizing of documents.